What is HTML?
24 January 2021
3568 Okunma
1 dakika 22 saniye
It stands for "HyperText Markup Language" in English. It is the most basic building block of web pages. Defines the structure and meaning of web pages. It is the standard text markup language used to create web pages. HTML is not defined as a programming language. Other technologies other than HTML are used to define the appearance (CSS) or functionality (Javascript) of the web page. A program cannot be written with only HTML codes.
It stands for "HyperText Markup Language" in English. It is the most basic building block of web pages. Defines the structure and meaning of web pages. It is the standard text markup language used to create web pages. HTML is not defined as a programming language. Other technologies other than HTML are used to define the appearance (CSS) or functionality (Javascript) of the web page. A program cannot be written with only HTML codes.
HTML Latest Version : HTML 5.2
HTML First Released : 1993
Stable Release: HTML5 (October 28, 2014)
Usual File Extensions: html,.htm
Why Should I Learn HTML?
- You can create a website.
- You can become a professional web designer.
- You can understand the web.
- You can learn other languages.
Most Used Web Browsers
- Google Chrome
- Mozilla Firefox
- Microsoft Edge
- Safari
- Opera
Resources to Learn HTML
What are HTML Elements?
Basic Elements
- html
- body
- h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6
- p
- br
- hr
Visual Elements
Link Elements
List Elements
- ul
- ol
- li
- dir
- dl
- dt
- dd
- menu
Format Elements
- acronym
- abbr
- address
- b
- bdo
- big
- blockquote
- center
- cite
- code
- del
- dfn
- em
- font
- i
- ins
- kbd
- pre
- q
- s
- samp
- small
- strike
- strong
- sub
- sup
- tt
- u
- var
- xmp
Form Elements
- form
- input
- textarea
- button
- select
- optgroup
- option
- label
- fieldset
- legend
Table Elements
- table
- caption
- th
- tr
- td
- thead
- tbody
- tfoot
- col
- colgroup
- frame
- frameset
- noframes
- iframe
Style Elements
Meta Elements
- head
- title
- meta
- base
- basefont
Programming Elements
- script
- noscript
- applet
- object
- param